facebook icon  (510) 689-1041 Victoria Alara Alcoset

July 27, 2024

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Victoria has shifted to an herbalism practice. 

Massage happens only within

Ayurvedic case management.

Please call 510-689-1041 to set up Consultation time.

Ayurvedic Therapies

   Shirodhara at Mountain Yoga                  24 ABMP Sideways Cranial Hold Table                  ABMP0831 Herbs Tray Reduced 20   

Abhyanga & Shirodhara               Bodywork Benefits              Precise Herbal Healing

MindBody Healing

      sitting meditation chakras 107                                HeartMath.org Heart Field on Person   

       Tap Into Your Expanded SELF                                                            Energy Field Clearing  



Victoria at Sinagurd

by Vd. Rasik Pawaskar