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October 22, 2024

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Beyond Constitutional Analysis

Ayurveda uses 16 different systems of philosophy to understand the nature of material (-and immaterial-) reality.

5 Elements   (earth, water, fire, air, space)

3 Doshas   (element combos)

7 Dhatus   (tissue states)

20 Gunas   (essential qualities of physics)

These things are intuitive, and rational - both. So easily comprehended and applied, on the one hand. But very quickly complex to understand, even daunting, on the other.

To simplify things for the Western Mind's understanding, Ayurveda thus far in the United States has focused on Constitutional Analysis - determining a person's natural degree of the 3 Doshas: Vaata, Pitta and Kapha. You can get veeery far in establishing a healthy diet, lifestyle routine and psychological understanding with just these aspects of Ayurvedic Science. Herbal knowledge based on just the doshas, even, can yield profound and lasting changes in health.

So, when you add to this foundation the deeper, more nuanced lens of a Classical clinically-based education, well... the sky's the limit as to what you can ascertain, understand and achieve in creating lasting, vibrant health and well-being, both for you and for any children you conceive.



(7 Days+ customized per need)

PanchaKarmas are indicated or contraindicated by specific imbalances and degrees of client readiness, and best performed in certain seasons, as indicated in the Classical Texts. Sometimes just one is the called-for strategy of choice; other times 2 or 3 are suggested in a series.



Victoria at Sinagurd

by Vd. Rasik Pawaskar

With Ayurveda we can get to the bottom of it, healing chronic concerns like: